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The 9 types

Personality Type 5 - The Observer

Emotional Addiction = Greediness

People who have adopted Type 5 are mind-centered, have a curiosity for understanding, and become extremely rational planners. The emotional addiction is Greediness, which is unconscious, being justified by the less expressive attitude and the logical and prudent self-image.

The name Observer comes from the attitude of non-involvement, as if it prefers to be in the background, from where it can see better without losing its critical sense. Of the types of the Enneagram are the "most in theirs"; they prefer to be with themselves, involved in activities that only concern themselves.

The main negative consequence, of this way of organizing lies in the difficulty in recognizing their real needs. Such self-detachment reveals cold, calculating people who believe in the mind as a means of achieving things, substituting emotions for thoughts. God put head higher than heart so that reason could dominate feeling. They prefer rationalism to empiricism, not allowing themselves to desire something that is not "logical," or to express feelings, which they think are inadequate.

In companies, we find Type 5 usually connected to a planning area. Engineering, research and computer science are some of the common ones. Their ability to analyze makes them real chess players, bringing to the group the value of long-term goals and strategic planning. But in their compulsion, they become distant and inaccessible; with short, direct answers they push people away, showing little or no appreciation for their presence.

For greater balance:

When Type 5 recognize their pattern of behaviour as a way of organizing themselves and not what they really are, they are open to developing the neutralization of emotional addiction (Greed) and contact with themselves through the virtue of detachment from the mind. This tool helps them to recognize what they want from themselves, no longer through rationalization. They accept and express their feelings more, allowing a greater integration of their feelings, thoughts and actions.

Examples of Type 5. Mark Zucherberg, Bill Gates, Angela Merkel, Amyr Klink, Delfim Netto.


  • Analytical

  • Specialists

  • Thoughtful


  • Manipulative

  • Distant

  • Cold

The Eneagram Institute is the largest company in the Brazil and the world specialist in Enneagram. We promote improvements and development in our customers' lives.

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