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The Enneagram

The Enneagram

The Instituto Eneagrama (Enneagram Institute) is the largest company in Brazil and in the world specialized in Enneagram. We promote improvements and development in our customers’ lives. We have been in the market for over 20 years, but for almost 10 years we have been acting in the franchise format. Today we are more than 30 franchises in the national territory and more than 10 thousand customers have transformed their lives through our training.

The training and programs are developed and applied following a proper and effective methodology based on the Enneagram and we bring together experienced professionals and highly trained instructors, prepared by a differentiated methodology and continuously updated.

We transform lives! In the Enneagram, we seek solutions and tools that contribute to the development of people, companies and the world.

Through the Enneagram as a tool of transformation, we enable people to expand their emotional awareness and transform attitudes, empowering their skills and developing natural abilities, generating better results in all areas of their lives.

We want to gain the trust of all who relate to us and inspire people to think in an innovative way to multiply the power of transformation.


Our mission is to enable people to expand their emotional awareness and transform attitudes, empowering their skills and developing natural abilities for better results in all areas of their lives.


We want to be recognized as a world reference in innovation, application and practical results of the Enneagram as a transforming agent in the lives of people and companies.


Ethical Relationship – We strive to be the best, but not at any price. We act with transparency, honesty and integrity.

Innovation – We work on the permanent innovation of our differentiated methodology and with the visionary pioneering of our projects.

Professionalism – We always strive for the best performance in everything we do and we are always looking for continuous improvement.

Enthusiasm – We contribute to the personal and professional development of our clients, collaborators and franchisees, as we have a passion for everything we do.

Commitment – We are committed to the full and lasting satisfaction of our participants, collaborators, franchisees and suppliers.

Union – We encourage and respect teamwork, as we value who makes our company.

The Eneagram Institute is the largest company in the Brazil and the world specialist in Enneagram. We promote improvements and development in our customers' lives.

All rights reserved.Enneagram. 2025